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Welcome to upostitive! This website is made by teenagers like you! Our aim is to keep people our age positive. We have some hints and tips, music that we wrote and recorded and questionnaires.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Wouldnt you go to a doctor if you are feeling physically sick? People who have issues with their mental health tend to keep it hidden until it is possibly too late!

Our mental heath is like a rubber band and is put under strain every day, from the stressful tasks of everyday life or even school tests or challenging school subjects and their teachers. School life has a major effect on your mental outlook and it is important to keep yourself healthy. You may not have even thought about your mental health, or if there was any way in which you could improve it or just keep positive! Just as you need a balanced diet and exercise, your mental health is vitally important to being healthy. There are many ways in which you can keep mentally healthy. Feel free to check out our other pages on the website…..and be positive 🙂