Body Image


When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? Are you unhappy with your weight, looks, clothes or style? Are you sure you can see yourself as you really are?

If you’re not happy, then you’re not alone. Studies show that dissatisfaction with personal appearance is now one of the leading causes of mental stress among teens.

Media pressure has made us all much more aware of the way we look, surrounded as we are with airbrushed perfection in the magazines and on tv. There’s also pressure just to ‘fit in’ with the crowd. But teenagers develop at such different rates so it sometimes takes a little while to find a style you feel comfortable with.

This stress has been felt by girls for a long time, but now many boys feel equally pressured. If you are reacting by extreme dieting or eating disorders, then you need to seek professional help straight away. Because your body is still developing there could be long term consequences to drastic behaviours.

If you are worried talk to your parents, friends or someone that you trust.


This video is evidence of how the media has a distorted view of beauty. It shows that photoshop can have drastic effects.