Coping Skills/fitting in

Talk to someone you trust, whether that is a friend, teacher or relative.

Sharing your difficulties and problems with another person will take

weight off your shoulders.

Eat well and avoid stimulants. A healthy diet makes the body strong and

increases a sense of well-being. Caffeine and nicotine put more stress on

our muscle and nervous systems.

Get active. Exercise brings out the body’s endorphins which are natural

pain-killers. Try walking, running, dancing, or any sport you enjoy.

Get a good night’s sleep. This will fuel your mind and body. Feeling

tired will cause stree as you may be thinking irrationally.

Take time to relax. This can be time away from your resposibilities

and it will give you a chance to re-charge your batteries. Focus on your

breathing – breathe slowly and deeply.

Do something you enjoy everyday. It could be playing an instrument or

watching your favourite TV programme.

Other ways of coping with stress:

-Read a book

-Listen to music

-Take a bath

-Play with a pet

-Watch a comedy

-Have a cup of tea!


If you’re starting a new school, you may feel a little intimidated. You’ve left old friends behind everyone seems to know each other, and now, you’re an outsider. But it doesn’t have to be that way for long. Sure, it’s tough to be the new kid, but with these tips, you’ll be fitting in before you know it.

Just talk to people. It may be scary, but you’ll never make new friends if you keep to yourself and don’t talk to anyone. Strike up conversations with other students in class, say hi to your lockermates, and show interest in others. Shop around and meet lots of people until you’ve found the group for you.

Be confident. You may feel intimidated on the inside, but you should show that you’re confident. Make eye contact, speak up, be personable, and have fun talking to others. Your confidence will be attractive and make other students more likely to accept you and want for you to join their group of friends.

Ask for help. If you don’t know where classes are or need help on a certain assignment, speak up and ask for help. It’s a great way to meet people and you’ll get an insider’s view at the same time.

Talk to people in class right before lunch. Be sure to strike up a conversation before facing the lunchroom alone for the first time. Walk to the cafeteria together with your new friends, and you’ll be able to avoid the awkwardness of trying to find a place to sit and eat when you don’t know anyone.

Be nice. Be sure that you’re nice to everyone, and don’t ignore anyone. You never know who can be a good friend, even if they seem a little strange at first.

Join a club or a team. An easy way to meet people is through groups at your school. Become a part of a team sport, club, or other organized event to meet other students and have fun with them. Meeting others this way is great, because you’re more likely to hang out with those who share your interests.

These are just a few of the ways to get started fitting in at your new school. It can be awkward and difficult to be the new kid at first, but if you follow these tips and stay friendly, you should find your place soon enough.