If you’re gay, lesbian or bisexual then relationship issues are likely to be more complicated because this may also involve the issue of coming out to friends and family. But remember there are many other people out there just like you, you are not alone.


Obama ^

It gets better campaign

‘However you are choosing to live is beautiful’ – Ke$ha

Facebook, Google, Apple employes have contributed to the project

Obama and ke$ha

Heterosexual people are emotionally and physically attracted to people of the opposite sex. An example would be girls fancying boys and boys fancying girls.

Gay people are emotionally and physically attracted to people of the same sex. Gay is usually used to describe boys fancying boys, although some women may describe themselves as gay.

Lesbian refers to women who are emotionally and physically attracted to other women.

Bisexual people are emotionally and physically attracted to both sexes.

Asexual people don’t feel sexually attracted to anyone, although asexual people can still enjoy close, intimate and emotional relationships.

Coming out describes the process whenlesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB)people tell someone else about their sexual orientation. This process is sometimes called ‘coming out of the closet’ or ‘coming out’ and people who haven’t yet come out are sometimes described as being ‘in the closet’.

Life in the closet can be very isolating for young LGB people. Keeping a secret about an important part of your identity can make you feel very stressed and may make you feel unwell.

  • Coming Out to others

    ***Deciding to come out is a very personal choice, the best time is whenever feels best       to you.

    Although ‘coming out’ can occur in a variety of ways and settings, even when you least expect it we have compiled the following tips which might be useful for you if you are considering taking the plunge!
     * Ask yourself why you are coming out to a particular person or persons.
    When you begin to come out to people, or when you have made some gay/bi/trans friends, you may experience excitement and elation – the ‘scream it from the roof tops’ feeling. Cherish this – you have everything to be proud of, but maybe not everyone needs to know your sexuality. Think about who you are planning or want to come out to. Is it a family member, a friend or an acquaintance? Do you need to come out to that person at this moment?

    * Timing
    Although for many people there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ time to come out, planning exactly when you are going to tell someone is well worth thinking about. Are you going to have adequate time afterwards to discuss it further or to answer any questions the person may have? Will you have the full attention of the person or are they pre-occupied with something else?

    * Where to tell?
    Location can be important too. To allow for conversation afterwards pick somewhere that will give you privacy with minimal risk of any interruptions. If it’s someone that you think may react favourably to your disclosure the location is probably less important. However, if you in any way expect negativity you are probably best sticking to a location where you feel safest.

    * Time To Digest
    Remember that you have had time to think about what you want to say. The person you are telling has not. Depending on your relationship with them they may have suspected already, but even if this is the case it may still take time for it to sink in with them. Don’t automatically expect an extreme reaction either, the person you are telling may be slow to react. This could be because they fear offending or embarrassing you as much as anything else.

    * Resources
    Having resources to hand is also useful. Have a look at the parents section on our site here for info for parents. Also please contact us and we can send you on more booklets.

    * Talk to others
    Talk to other LGBT young people about the fears, expectations and reactions they experienced when coming out.